How nice. The senior management of Goldman
must be aware of my blog!
The "senior Goldman people" may be spending too much time trolling the Internet. If you read the comments posted after just about any blog item or feature article referencing Goldman, the venom expressed would surely lead you to imagine that a mob armed with pitchforks and torches was already on their way to Goldman headquarters. It's a bipartisan frenzy, and as Goldman profits continue to accumulate while the economic slump persists, the bile will continue to percolate.
(emphasis added)
senior Goldman people have loaded up on firearms and are now equipped to defend themselves if there is a populist uprising against the bank
Rest easy in your gilded cage. And gilded it is: Lloyd Blankfein, CEO and Chairman of the Board, owns 1,685,932 shares of Goldman, worth $274,393,733.
The source is "hearsay" and "the banker had told this friend of mine"? This came up in the news a couple of weeks ago; since then, inquiries re: gun permits have been unable to produce any factual evidence supporting the Goldman militia theory. Just sayin'.
I think we're talking about the psychology of this, rather than the number of pistols sold. That there should be a "seige mentality" at Goldman Sachs and other similar institutions seems perfectly appropriate to me, since I'm one of those folks who shares Nataraj's view that The People (average middle & lower income folks) should be outraged at the flagrant ways we've been shredded by the current economic machine that funnels wealth to the very top and leaves the rest gasping. While I don't advocate actual pitchforks & torches, the metaphor of a popular awakening and uprising is very much needed, in my view.
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